The Award Winning

Millicent Winthrop

Cozy Mysteries

Join Millicent Winthrop and her trusty canine assistants as they travel the world solving crimes against international soccer.

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Use your own skills to experience the excitement of solving quests with Millicent and her crew and uncover the world of international soccer and crime like never before!

You'll help her furry companions, Holmes and Watson, crack codes, uncover hidden secrets, and follow the clues to learn more about the adventures in each book. Once you solve the quest, you’ll win a prize (or maybe two)!

Books in the Series


Book 1:

Just My Luck

Book 2:

Make Mine the Italian

Book 3:

To Die For

Book 4:

At Last You

Book 5:


Book 6:

The Case of the Magic Fluke

Book 7:

The Case of the Stolen Christmas Stollen

Book 8:

Foul Play Most Deadly

Book 1

Just My Luck

Misfortune's Folly

Kathryn Richards is excited to start her new life in sunny California with a coveted position at the UCLA library and a fresh Ph.D. in hand. However, misfortune seems to follow her every step of the way! While Kathryn carves a new path for herself, she discovers there may be more to her troubles than meets the eye...

Book 2

Make Mine the Italian

Game of Two Halves

Millicent Winthrop, with her multiple personality disorder and her trusty pugs, Holmes and Watson, sets out to rescue a kidnapped soccer player from the clutches of the dangerous Vasilov Bugár. Can she navigate the complexities of her own mind and personal life as well?

Book 3

To Die For

Deadly Stadium Showdown

Millicent Winthrop and her team, must stop the ever-elusive and dangerous Vasilov Bugár from blowing up the World Cup finals stadium. Can they thwart his plans or will Millicent's personal struggles interfere?

Book 4

At Last You

It Was Always You

Millicent, aka Aunt Kate, sets out to uncover the truth about her past and capture the heart of the handsome Doctor Martolini while thwarting the evil plans of Bugàr, but as she gets closer to the truth, she realizes her investigation is putting herself and those she loves in danger.

Book 5

Missing... Again!

Caught Sleeping

Millicent Winthrop and her husband Alfredo Martolini, private investigators for FIFA, must find a missing American goalkeeper in Berlin while navigating the dangerous world of football politics to solve the case and save the day.

Book 6

The Case of the Magic Fluke

Mozart's Piano

Millicent and Alfredo's vacation takes a dangerous turn when Millicent discovers a murdered soccer coach in Salzburg's famous Mozart Geburtshaus piano. They must work quickly with their pug companions to solve the case before Millicent goes into labor.

Book 7

The Case of the Stolen Christmas Stollen

A Holiday Heist

Join Millicent and Alfredo as they trade in their Christmas relaxation plans for a thrilling holiday investigation in Zürich with their pugs by their side. With a new baby in tow, can they balance parenthood and detective work to solve the case and find their missing FIFA boss?

Book 8

Foul Play Most Deadly

Deadly Deception

Millicent and Alfredo's vacation in Los Angeles takes a dark turn when a young soccer player is brutally murdered. Can she protect her family, solve the case and bring the killer to justice – or will it be too late?

About the Author - Gwen Overland

writing as

Did you know...

...that the name Cunigunda Valentine, the nom de plume under which I write my cozy mystery novels, including the Millicent Winthrop series, is actually my Grandmother’s name when she was married to my grandfather, Charles Theodore Valentine?

It’s true. In fact, my mother’s maiden name was Emily Cunigunda Valentine until she married. My grandmother later remarried, changing her last name to West, but I’ve always been fascinated by her name as she bequeathed it to my mother.

The name Cunigunda itself dates back to the early 4th century and is still used to name baby girls in Western Germany and some parts of Poland and Hungary, I adored my grandmother Cuni. She always loved to have a good time— dancing, throwing dinner parties, playing cards, cooking, and just being silly. I was lucky to have had her for as long as I did, for although she’s been gone over thirty years, she still means the world to me.

Learn More about Gwen

Gwen's Millicent Winthrop series has won multiple Bookfest awards, including in the Cozy Mystery category and for her Cover Illustrations. While she plans to release a NEW cozy mystery series by 2025, she also offers a selection of (more steamy) traditional romance novels through, as well as non-fiction works backed by her PhD at

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June 20, 2023

7:00 - 9:00 am PDT

NY Times Square Bookfest Promo

Live Stream


July 2023

7:00 - 9:00 am PDT

Writer's Workshop Kickoff

Nine Waves Media


September 2023


Special Book Launch Event



October 21 & 22, 2023


Bookfest Author Talk

Live stream and virtual broadcast


December 9 & 10, 2023


Lifting Spirits Expo Book Signing and Special Event

Historic Ashland Armory


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